Besides of distribution EDI could effect sales of Your products on a consignment basis in its own name. Upon that Your company stay to be the owner of its products till the moment of selling to our contracting parties in the European Union.

Maximal assistance in overcoming barriers to the manufacturer, related to the export prescribed by the company’s policy. Therefore, taking yours products in-process control, the EDI has an opportunity to deliver products not only on the consumer warehouse but also on the warehouse of our logistics partners from where it will be sold by smaller parties.

Specific of work stream:

Products inspection

The EDI has partnerships with leaders of a global logistics which not only deliver cargo but also responsible for the safekeeping of products at their own warehouses with a full range of storage and additional services.

Cost accounting

Expenses on storing, accounting and further dispatch of cargo the EDI takes into account the total cost of the consignment contract. However, the EDI does not intend to go beyond the amount of the invoices provided by our logistics partners.

The logic of our income

The EDI income forming exclusively by rewarding from sales as a commission or margin but not by the sales services. Such services are usually provided by our EDI partners in the B2B and these expenses are included into the price of our contracts with no load from us.